Revealing the Deeper Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita

Revealing the Deeper Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavadgita, which means “The song of God”, is India’s most beloved scripture; the definitive text on Yoga which is both a “work of art and a deep statement of truth” (Swami Kriyananda). In just 700 verses, it explains every aspect of the spiritual path: action (karma), cognition (gyana), devotion (bhakti), and meditation (raja). From Mahatma Gandhi to Emerson and Thoreau, Swami Vivekananda to Oppenheimer, countless people have drunk from the well of The Gita’s wisdom.

Like all true scripture, The Gita inspires, rather than informs; its meaning is intuited rather than understood. This is why in India, for thousands of years, The Gita has been studied in informal gatherings known as satsangs, where the deeper meaning of this great scripture is explored through discussion rather than instruction.

Join Murali Venkatrao PhD for 6 satsangs into the timeless wisdom and practical spirituality of the Bhagavadgita.

Revealing the Deeper Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita
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  • Karma as the Spiritual Psychologist

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  • The Mahabharata and The Story of Bhisma

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  • The Allegory of the Gita and the Key to Victory

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